May Day 2020: Labour rallies to fight capitalism in the time of COVID-19

Labour leaders and socialist activists across the country came together on Friday, May 1 to celebrate International Workers’ Day, or May Day. Originally planned as a street rally, COVID-19 restrictions forced the rally to go online. This did not dampen the mood at all, however. As the experience of this pandemic crisis continues to expose […]

Legault’s deconfinement plan: Sacrifice the workers on the altar of profit

With health care workers at the end of their rope, seniors dying in long-term care facilities and medical equipment in short supply, Quebec Premier François Legault has decided that now is the best time to end the confinement of the population.  For weeks, Legault and Dr. Horacio Arruda, national director of public health in Quebec, […]

COVID-19: Which way forward for workers in Canada?

Fightback editor Alex Grant provides us with a Marxist analysis of the COVID-19 crisis in Canada and what we, as working class people can do about it.

Foodora flees Canada to break union drive

In a shameful act of union-busting, Foodora announced it will be ending its Canadian operations as of May 11. The announcement came two months after the company lost a fierce unionization battle with Foodsters United, CUPW Courier Local 104. If the union had received certification, it would have set a precedent for gig economy workers […]

Ontario labour joins radical May Day on May 1, 2020!

On May 1, over 40 organizations, from labour unions to socialist groups, will come together to mark this year’s May Day. The rally will take place online, and thousands of viewers are expected to tune in to the livestream and Zoom meeting to celebrate the international day of the worker. Speakers will include Carlos Santos, […]

Universal basic income: utopian dream or libertarian nightmare?

As large segments of the population face unemployment and loss of income as a result of COVID-19, governments have begun providing relief to individuals in the form of a basic monthly income. This has raised the question: Why not provide universal basic income in normal times? Some on the left are arguing that we should, […]

Liberal hypocrisy: Sale of arms to Saudi Arabia resumes amid pandemic

As COVID-19 continues to rip through the world, there is one business in Canada which has not been impacted. The arms industry, according to the Liberal government, is deemed an essential service. On April 9, Canadian government officials announced that they would be lifting moratoriums on new export permits of military equipment to Saudi Arabia. […]

COVID-19: What is to be done?

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned all the old societal and economic expectations on their head. The bosses are wracking their brains trying to find ways to maintain profits during lockdown. Health and safety is a secondary consideration for them. This poses challenges to the working class. How do we fight back against lethal profiteering when […]

Seniors’ homes and COVID-19: The act of social murder

A horrific spectacle is unfolding in Ontario’s nursing and seniors’ homes. Out of a total of 626 long-term care homes in the province, 114 have reported outbreaks of COVID-19. 34 seniors’ homes have also been affected. In Ontario as a whole, half of the reported deaths have taken place in one of these two institutions, […]

Kenney, crude, and COVID-19: Crisis in Alberta

On March 31, while reeling from low oil prices, an economic downturn, and the COVID-19 pandemic, Jason Kenney announced a handout of $7.5 billion for the Keystone XL pipeline. This announcement came only three days after the UCP laid off 26,000 education workers—the largest layoff by a single organization in Canada’s history. Jason Kenney has […]