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RCP Founding Congress
May 18-20, 2024 • Montreal

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News & analysis

Why I’m a communist: I want to regain hope in the future

Olivier Turbide | September 15, 2023

The UAW and the fight for a new contract

Steve Iverson, former member UAW 276, GM Assembly | September 14, 2023

OSSTF: Vote no to binding arbitration!

Christian Wittemeier, OSSTF member | September 14, 2023

Morocco earthquake: Catastrophe exposes the bankruptcy of the regime

Anass Rahimi | September 13, 2023

Canadian companies  unclear on the ‘rules’ of profiting from slavery and child labour

Koral Samsa | September 12, 2023

Chile: 50 years after the coup d’etat

Carlos Cerpa Mallat | September 11, 2023

Why I’m a communist: Healthcare in crisis

Daniel DaRosa | September 8, 2023

Danielle Smith cancels renewable energy development

Nala Anders | September 7, 2023

Bradford library workers strike against wage cuts

David Everitt | September 6, 2023

The communists are here!

John Peterson | September 5, 2023

Why I’m a communist: Injustice towards the working class

Robbie Hussey | September 1, 2023

The Great Vancouver Island Coal Strike of 1912

Çağla Güneş and Rob Lyon | August 31, 2023

As Ukraine’s offensive stalls, are negotiations on the agenda?

Niklas Albin Svensson | August 30, 2023

Barbarism is spreading like wildfire

Benoît Tanguay | August 29, 2023

Who killed Prigozhin?

Alan Woods | August 28, 2023

Why I am a communist – For a world without poverty

Alberto A. | August 25, 2023

Workers can’t afford housing—expropriate the parasitic landlords

Kayla Rose Kendall | August 24, 2023

Ford’s Greenbelt land grab: Only the working class can protect the environment

Greger Wells and M.A. Olanick | August 22, 2023

[Video] Alan Woods on world perspectives: Clear the decks for communism!

In Defence of Marxism | August 18, 2023

Why I’m a communist – From environmental moralism to Marxism

Patrick Lepage | August 18, 2023

Why communists sell newspapers

Matthew Puddister | August 17, 2023

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