Trudeau’s rental measures will do nothing

The Liberal government recently proposed measures supposedly aimed at helping renters. But this half-baked plan will do nothing to help workers with rent. 

Québec solidaire is turning into a pale copy of the PQ

A few years ago, Québec solidaire was the main opposition party, “preparing to govern”, while the Parti Québécois was on its last legs. Today, having “moved to the center”, QS stagnates in the polls around an eternal 16 per cent. Meanwhile the PQ has risen from the ashes and leads the polls.

Revolutionary communists rally across the country  

Hundreds of communists across the country took to the streets on April 6 to declare the founding of the Revolutionary Communist Party. In Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, Sherbrooke, Edmonton, Vancouver, Victoria and elsewhere, comrades held rallies, firmly planting the flag of communism.  

Art Gallery of Ontario workers on strike

Hundreds of AGO workers represented by OPSEU Local 535 are on strike after years of wage cuts and precarity.

Genocide in Gaza: All parties are complicit

The NDP motion on arms exports to Israel is just the latest joke played by the Canadian political parties on the Palestinian people.

Yet the leaders of the Palestine movement continue to harbor illusions about the political class.

We have to tell it like it is: all parties have Palestinian blood on their hands.

Secret RCMP report warns of coming revolution, communists must get organized now!

It is not often that the RCMP and the communists agree on something. But the deep crisis of capitalism that we are facing today is an existential threat that cannot be ignored by the most serious strategists of capital. Therefore, the latter are increasingly reaching the same conclusion as Marxists despite coming from the opposite side: that revolution is around the corner. 

Letters: Public transit ‘death spiral’?

Public transit isn’t in a “death spiral.” On the contrary. Many regions and cities are experiencing an increase in transit use. This is due to the price of fuel, maintenance, and insurance that are required to own a car. Meanwhile, riders are being met with service cuts, empty promises, and elected leaders playing politics with transit funding. 

Measles surge as capitalism drags public health backward

Measles are back, thanks to capitalism. The extremely contagious airborne disease, which had been declared eliminated in many countries through widespread vaccination, has returned to Europe and North America. The profits system is dragging humanity backward in every way possible. Measles outbreaks are just the latest product of an insane system rotting from the inside, […]

The NDP motion on Palestine is empty political theatre

The NDP’s non-binding motion against arms sales to Israel is the latest hollow gesture in Canadian political theatre. Some are celebrating the motion’s passing in Parliament as a victory for the Palestinian movement, but in reality, it doesn’t change a thing. It’s a cynical move to give the false appearance that the government is working to end the genocide. 

Letters: Richest man in Edmonton sues homeless services providers

The powerful Katz Group is suing Boyle Street Community Services due to a supposed “breach of contract”. The Katz Group is chaired by its billionaire founder, Daryl Katz, the richest (and almost certainly worst) man in Edmonton and owner of the Edmonton Oilers. Boyle Street is the largest provider of services to homeless people in Edmonton.