The latest
Despite its unpolished character, the capitalists have chosen the Conservatives as the party of capital in the province.
The warmongers are never satisfied. They will continue their dangerous and reckless course to the bitter end, and the ordinary people will pay the bill in full. It is the fundamental duty of communists and all advanced workers and youth to fight against war and imperialism.
On Saturday, at a peaceful rally for Palestine held in Tomkins Park, Calgary police officers arrested three people, including lead organizer Wesam Khaled, charged with obstruction and “assaulting” a police officer. We demand that these ridiculous fines be annulled and the charges dropped against Wesam and his comrades!
The Name of the Rose invites us to beware of those who reject reason and who seek to obscure reality with idealistic explanations.
At campuses across the country, students are enthusiastically taking up the campaign for a student strike for Palestine!
In a debate marked by a cavalcade of lies, Trump and Harris demonstrated once again that the capitalists are no longer fit to rule society.
“The whole history of the Canadian labour movement is a struggle against these banks, against these bosses, against these governments that today support genocide […] The cause of the Palestinians is the cause of the world working class.”
We need to learn the lessons of 2012 if we want to build a student strike for Palestine today.
We want to hear your stories. Write us!
“At first, the teamsters were a bit apprehensive about us. But once we pulled out the article in the paper about the rail workers strike, one man ripped the paper out of a comrade’s hands and read the entire two articles then and there.”
Politics in the paint aisle.
As Danton said: “To vanquish, we need audacity, audacity, and yet more audacity!” That’s how we’ll win! — Gabriel, Montreal
Workers at Viterra in Bécancour have been on strike for over three months.
“I want to get involved right away”!
A successful Day One!
Revolution is coming to Canada
The time is ripe for a broad-based, international campaign around a clear programme to fight militarism and imperialism. Towards this end, the Revolutionary Communist International proposes the following programme as the starting point for such a campaign, and we call upon every individual or organisation seriously opposed to imperialist war to contact us, to put their name to the same campaign, and to join us in this task.
We are the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), the section of the Revolutionary Communist International in Canada. Our demands are modest: the complete overthrow of capitalism—the construction of a society free of exploitation and oppression.
The following manifesto is of utmost importance to the world communist movement. We call on all our readers to study it thoroughly and give it the widest possible circulation. It was approved unanimously by the International Secretariat of the IMT and will constitute the founding document of a new Revolutionary Communist International, which will be launched in June of this year.
We are happy to announce the launch of a new newspaper: Communist Revolution. To many, this may appear startling. Communist revolution, here in Canada!? YES! Believe it or not, Communism is increasingly popular in Canada. It is precisely with the aim of organizing Communists in this country that we launch this new revolutionary communist paper.