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Pledge a day’s wage per month or a one-time amount to help build the RCP

RCP Founding Congress
May 18-20, 2024 • Montreal

Pledge a day’s wage per month or a one-time amount to help build the RCP.
Monthly donors receive a print subscription to Communist Revolution.


Why John A. Macdonald needed to fall

Helene Bissonnette | September 1, 2020

Back-to-school: Don’t let governments gamble with children’s lives

Alex Grant | August 28, 2020

Are we ‘all in this together’? Class and racial disparities in the impact of COVID-19 indicate otherwise

Jack Erie | August 25, 2020

Morneau turfed, Parliament prorogued—Trudeau gambles to save the system

Joel Bergman | August 20, 2020

Canada enters vaccine race—but capitalism blocks the way

Marco La Grotta | August 14, 2020

Canadian economy: When will the shit hit the fan?

Joel Bergman | August 13, 2020

Montreal dockworkers declare indefinite strike: The fight has only begun!

Vincent Monaghan | August 12, 2020

Solidarity needed for Six Nations reclamation

Stephen L. | August 10, 2020

They’re getting bailed out, we’re getting sold out (again)

Sakif Khan | August 6, 2020

Heroes no more? Greedy grocery bosses collude to strip workers of ‘hero pay’

Jack Erie | July 31, 2020

Ford exploits pandemic to attack health care workers

Matt Gardner | July 30, 2020

Quebec #MeToo movement rocks the province

Natalia Garcia & Hélène Bissonnette | July 27, 2020

Toronto mayor prepares cuts for workers while gifting millions to cops

Jeremy Robin | July 21, 2020

Fight Ford’s eviction Law!

Adam Zeineddine | July 17, 2020

Capitalism is corrupt: Trudeau’s WE Charity scandal

Enrique Rodriguez Pamanes | July 15, 2020

Hudson’s Bay Company: 350 years of exploitation

Guthrie Burnett-Tison | July 14, 2020

COVID-19 exacerbates Canada’s opioid crisis

Fiona Mant | July 13, 2020

‘Driving while Black’ and Montréal’s useless police reform

Guthrie Burnett-Tison | July 10, 2020

No police in mental health wellness checks!

Jennie Lee | July 7, 2020

Lessons of the Regina Co-op refinery lockout

Matt Gardner | July 4, 2020

Canadian capitalism kills migrant workers

Melissa Callaghan | July 1, 2020

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