In memory of Sara Hegazy, socialist and LGBTQ activist: To honour her memory, bury capitalism!

On Sunday June 14, Egyptian socialist and LGBTQ activist Sara Hegazy was found dead in her apartment in Toronto. After a brutal experience in prison, Sara took her own life, asking forgiveness for her “weakness” and forgiving the world for its cruelty. Hegazy was also a member of the Bread and Freedom socialist party in […]

The Egyptian Revolution — A nightmare for the bourgeoisie

The overthrow of Muhammad Morsi has opened up a new and turbulent period in the Egyptian Revolution. The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) still has a base in Egyptian society, among the petty bourgeoisie, the most backward and ignorant layers of the peasantry, and the lumpenproletariat. It is determined to cling to power, but the multi-million masses […]

The Second Egyptian Revolution: Statement of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT)

Morsi has fallen. The magnificent movement of the masses has once more shown to the entire world the authentic face of the Egyptian people. It shows that the revolution, which many even on the left believed to have stalled, still possesses immense social reserves. Despite all the lying propaganda that tries to present the revolution […]

Return of the Egyptian Revolution: The new pharaoh ignites the wrath of the Egyptian masses

Anger was simmering in Tahrir Square as hundreds of thousands poured in to the square to protest against Egypt’s President Mohammed Morsi and his ruling Muslim Brotherhood (MB). Across the square large banners were inscribed with slogans such as “The Muslim Brotherhood has stolen the revolution”, and “The Muslim Brotherhood are liars”. Throughout the day, […]

Egypt: How do we fight the counter-revolution?

The Egyptian revolution has taken a new turn in the last few days. The ruling Military Council (SCAF) has launched a number of very serious attacks on the revolution. The military police can now arrest civilians at will and parliament has been dissolved. The generals have also announced additions to the Constitutional Declaration of March […]

Egypt: The masses rise against the army generals

Events in Egypt are developing at lightning speed. Similarly to the last days of Mubarak in February this year, we see daily battles on the streets of Cairo and elsewhere. The Egyptian masses are determined to see the revolution carried through to the end. The clash between revolution and counter-revolution is provoking a crisis inside […]

The Arab Revolution – Part One: Revolution until victory!

What we see opening up before us is the early stages of the world socialist revolution. The same general process will unfold, albeit at different rhythms, around the globe. There will inevitably be ebbs and flows, defeats as well as victories, disappointments as well as successes. We must be prepared for this. But the general […]

The Arab Revolution – Part Two: Democratic demands

During a strike or a revolution people feel like human beings with dignity and rights. After a lifetime of enforced silence, they discover that they have a voice. The interviews of people on the streets were a wonderful expression of this. Poor, illiterate people are saying: we are going to fight, we will not leave […]

The Arab Revolution – Part Three: The revolution is not finished

In Russia in 1917 the Revolution lasted for nine months, from February to October, when the workers finally took power under the leadership of the Bolshevik Party. However, the Russian Revolution was not a straight line and proceeded through all kinds of vicissitudes and contradictions. There was a period of open reaction in July and […]

Egypt: Mubarak has fallen! Revolution until victory!

The tyrant has fallen! As I write these lines, Hosni Mubarak has resigned. This is a great victory, not just for the people of Egypt, but for the workers of the entire world. After 18 days of continuous revolutionary mobilizations, with 300 dead and thousands injured, Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year tyranny is no more. This is […]