Building on the success of the past few years, Fightback is getting an office in Edmonton, Alberta—our first in Western Canada! An office in Alberta, known as the heartland of Canadian conservatism, will be a statement to the oil barons, and the entire ruling class, that Marxism is back on the agenda. But in order to achieve this, we need to raise the necessary funds, and we need your help!
We began our political work in Western Canada a little over six years ago, in the fall of 2016. Since this time we have made significant advances, and built a presence in Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, and Victoria, as well as a number of other cities and small towns in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the Northwest Territories. We also established the Western Canada Marxist Summer School as an annual tradition. Last year, the school focused on the theme “Fight against imperialism” and attracted more than 110 people from all across the country. This year, we plan to hold an even bigger and better summer school themed on “The Philosophy of Revolution”, which you can register to attend today.
It is no accident that Fightback is growing in Western Canada. While capitalism’s decay has accelerated the growth of consciousness of workers and youth across the country, the crisis in Alberta has been particularly acute. Disgraced former United Conservative Party (UCP) premier Jason Kenney used to ridicule the NDP as “Alberta’s only one-term government”. Little did he know that he would not make it through his entire term! The past few years have seen mass layoffs, a wildcat strike of health-care workers, constant crisis in the ruling UCP, and most recently, brazen environmental destruction by the oil barons. No wonder people are looking for radical ideas to create a better world. The new Fightback office will be a rallying point for workers and youth looking for an alternative to the misery of capitalism.
That being said, fighting the system does not spare us from having to operate within the system. This means that there are costs that come with building a revolutionary organization. In addition to the cost of rent, we must pay for utilities, internet, desks, tables, chairs, bookshelves, computers, and other equipment.
In the spirit of collective working class fundraising, we are asking for our supporters to contribute to this cause financially, to make the renting of our Edmonton office sustainable. Fightback is entirely self-funded. Unlike other groups on the left, we don’t rely on government grants or large donations from unions. This allows us to stay politically independent, only accountable to our members and supporters. It also means that we need your help to take this next step forward.
This appeal goes hand in hand with our subscription campaign. Last year we doubled the frequency of our publication to fortnightly, and we have recently expanded the Fightback from 16 to 20 pages, in order to add more theoretical Marxist content.The best way to support Marxist organizing and ideas is to support our paper.
We ask you to take out a solidarity subscription, a monthly contribution of $10, $25, $40, $75, or even $100. This will get you a subscription to Fightback, and go a long way in helping us to pay rent and bills, and to build the forces of Marxism in the heartland of Canadian conservatism. Every bit counts!
You can sign up with Paypal or credit card online. To set up an automatic bank withdrawal you may also send a void cheque to P.O. Box 92, 260 Adelaide St. E, Toronto ON, M5A 1N1, or contact us at finance@marxist.ca or (416-461-0304).
You can also make a one-time donation of any amount here: