If it is to succeed, the Venezuelan revolution must be taken to the very end, with the expropriation of the capitalists and landlords who still control two thirds of the economy. This is a powerful lever in their hands that they are using to organise economic sabotage to undermine the government. The right-wing, reformist fifth […]
On 8th May, about 40 people filled the OPSEU union hall in downtown Toronto to listen to a report-back by Fightback editorial board member Camilo Cahis, and Toronto Young New Democrats (TYND) Co-Chair Jennie Ernewein. Both Camilo and Jennie were part of a Hands Off Venezuela/Bolivarian Circle “Louis Riel” delegation to Venezuela. Although the delegation […]
On Tuesday 4th May, representatives from HOV/SBQ in Montreal and HOV/CBLR in Toronto travelled to Parliament Hill in Ottawa to present on the human rights situation in Venezuela. Stéphanie Vaudry from HOV/SBQ presented very comprehensivley in French about the Misiones and the achievements of the Bolivarian government. Maria Paez Victor addressed the issue of human […]
Monday, 19th April was the bi-centennial celebrations for Venezuela’s independence from Spain. Ever since our arrival in Caracas, the city has been plastered with artwork and signs proclaiming the 200th anniversary and the rallies that would accompany them. The largest gathering was in the early afternoon at Los Proceres, a grand and spectacular avenue. Around […]
Monday, April 19, marked the 200thanniversary of Venezuela’s independence from Spain. The mass celebrations confirmed what was seen on the earlier April 13 rallies: the masses are prepared to defend the gains made so far by the Venezuelan revolution and this affects the ranks of the army who clearlysympathise with the working people. Monday, 19thApril […]
Monday, April 19, marked the 200thanniversary of Venezuela’s independence from Spain. The mass celebrations confirmed what was seen on the earlier April 13 rallies: the masses are prepared to defend the gains made so far by the Venezuelan revolution and this affects the ranks of the army who clearlysympathise with the working people. Monday, 19thApril […]
A delegation of comrades of the IMT from several countries is visiting Venezuela, attending the congress of the Venezuelan Marxists and bringing support for the formation of the Fifth International. On their first day they were taken on a tour of the INAF factory, which has been occupied by the workers and is under their […]
With representatives from 7 different regions, the Venezuelan comrades held their re-founding Congress of the Venezuelan section of the IMT in Caracas, taking the opportunity to launch their new paper, “Lucha de Clases” (Class Struggle). Also present were workers from three occupied factories (INAF, Gotcha and INVEVAL). The comrades have had to deal with very […]
New developments in Venezuela reveal that the counter-revolution is organizing to prepare a new prolonged battle against the Bolivarian government. On top of the deep economic recession, we recently saw new shifts in the alignments in the political landscape which can play a decisive role in the warm up to the parliamentary elections in September. […]
Hands Off Venezuela, the Bolivarian Circle “Louis Riel,” Latin@s, the Latin American Solidarity Network, and the Venezuelan embassy and Consulate-General in Toronto gathered for the launch meeting of the Latin American Peace Initiative (LAPI), which seeks to prevent a new war in Latin America. The conference, held at the OPSEU Hall in downtown Toronto, was […]
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